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Corrosion protection  Structural protection  Industrial paintwork

Systematic pre-treatment and coating

Die hochwertige Qualität unserer Beschichtungen hat viele Voraussetzungen: Eine sorgfältige Beurteilung des Ist-Zustandes, genaue Planung und fundiertes Fachwissen über die zu beschichtenden Materialien, die fachgerechte Vorbereitung der Oberflächen und das Wissen um die richtigen Beschichtungsmittel und ihre korrekte Verarbeitung.

  • Coating
    Belt loader

  • Coating
    Motorway bridge near Anderten, Hanover

Depending on the original condition of the surface, a number of different methods such as high-pressure blasting with a solid blasting agent or high-pressure cleaning may be used to remove soiling, old coating and corrosion. The subsequent coating will then depend on the type of demands placed on the reinforced concrete and its service life. The diversity of our coating systems guarantees corrosion protection against virtually any type of external influence.

Working with our long-standing business partners, we devote the same conscientious attention to the smallest detail as we do to a large surface. The pre-treatment and coating processes are performed in accordance with the principles of our quality management system, and according to DIN EN ISO 12944 or ZTV-ING.

Further information